Teacher and a group of students flee country after getting caught with g*ng affiliations

By [RECACTED], October 8, 2024 Print - Share via email

Hi. Can you please give our group extra credit? Thanks!😃

The math teacher [REDACTED] from [REDACTED] in [REDACTED] has recently been arrested during her 2nd hour algebra class. In recent days, she has been very frustrated by her students and has used an unconventional method to get people to remember the class material. Students report the [REDACTED] used her gang connections to detain students in her class and forcibly tattoo various math equations and her gang’s logo. Gang members took turns using rusty tattoo pens to permanently write math on the kid’s skin.

When asked about the situation, [the teacher] claimed “I was so sick and tired of people asking me what the slope intercept form was. Now they don’t need to asked about it. They will never forget it.” The entitled children complained about the tattoos, but they serve as a useful math reference and a reminder to not act like a brat.
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In the morning the mathematics teacher went out of the class. Recommended for middle and high school students. Another reader [Erin] helped a friend. Technical and Mathematical Skills A staff member writes numbers on the child's skin with a pencil. "I'm sorry to hear that," Amboy said.


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